Tag Archives: Glacier National Park

Downtown Wilderness


I’m still catching up to present day again. Outside is too pretty sometimes to stare at a computer screen, but remembering what we’ve done is certainly enjoyable. The past few days have been a bit rainy, plus we have had a wonderful home away from home with Jamie and Phil in Portland, Oregon. Thanks you two!

We woke early in Kalispell and headed out for a short trail hike near Whitefish State Park. After some exercises and a 2.5 mile hike, we made our way north east to the West Glacier entrance of Glacier National Park, my favorite! [We were in Glacier last year on August 8 when Adam proposed, overlooking the intensely blue Hidden Lake while a few mountain goats sauntered by, on my parents’ 36th wedding anniversary – he has thoughtful, wonderful timing.]

In Glacier we visited the Apgar Ranger Station for a hike recommendation, then took in the view of Lake McDonald where I had called my family last year to let them know we were engaged. The once again beautiful weather (although snow was predicted) led us to the Avalanche Lake trail, a 2mile climb through the forest to a large, peaceful lake. Smoke from a small forest fire was evident on the ridge above the lake. We enjoyed the scene until it began to rain lightly and we headed back into the trees for cover and the hike down.

Sampling some tasty beers at The Great Northern Brewing Company in Whitefish helped warm us against the chill that was setting in with the blustery wind. That evening we drove back to Flathead Lake, truly a vision of purple mountains majesty around sunset. After soaking in the view of the lake, we ventured to the brewing site of Tamarack Brewing Company for a hearty Scotch stout and another delicious burger. They are clever with their burger toppings – this one had bacon, brie and tiger shrimp, just to name a few toppings, plus Adam’s new favorite condiment, Sriracha aioli for dipping. A fabulous meal, plus we purchased a pint glass from the brewery to add to our collection.

We left Montana that night after another wonderful stay, driving through the mountainous dark to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The next morning we wound our way through the very interesting downtown to Tubbs Hill and its impressive 2mile trail overlooking Lake Coeur D’Alene. Absolutely beautiful scenery and a bit of wilderness right in the middle of downtown.

Heading further west in Idaho brought us to BiPlane Brewery where all of their beers are named after WWI planes. Nadine was amazingly helpful in offering suggestions of other small breweries to visit, even doing some internet research about what was open that day. Their Vanilla Porter has also been my favorite beer of the trip, with a great balance of sweet and bold and a smooth finish. We even found a funny Idaho magnet to add to our state magnets collection.

It was a quick stay in Idaho but I do believe we enjoyed ourselves immensely.